Monday, 25 April 2011


CantAbility, the disability forum for Canterbury District and Canterbury City Council (CCC) are staging a joint event at Westgate Hall on the 17th May 2011 from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. Entrance is free.

A Disability Needs Assessment has recently taken place in Canterbury District. To launch the assessment, provide feedback and to thank all who took part in it, we would like to invite you and your group/organisation to this celebratory event.

The Lord Mayor Pat Todd, accompanied by the Lady Mayoress Barbara Todd, will open the event at 10.00 a.m.

CantAbility has arranged guest speakers including representatives from statutory organisations to update us on the most current information. The consequences of the “Spending Review” on local government provision Kent County Council (KCC) and “White Paper” / “Bill” concerning the NHS provision in the District plus the government led DWP Benefit changes are of great significance to the lives of the disabled community. The formal presentations and questions will be programmed until 1.00 p.m.
(Results follows CantAbility’s  previously successful event “After the Spending Review” in November 2010)

(A couple of representatives from cow lane will be attending and will let you know all about it and will bring back any news that they learn about, the people attending are - Adam, Barbara and Gary. if you have any questions please ask one of them..)

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